Border in word document

10.01.2015 14:49

Border in word document

Download Border in word document

Date added: 10.01.2015
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and remove borders from your Word documents, and the differences between page and element borders.This training shows some decorative elements in Word 2007. Jun 24, 2010 - Microsoft Word features a vast collection of borders accessible via its clip art library and via Office Online. A page border can serve as a graphic enhancement for a variety of documents, such as letters, flyers, notices and signs. Using backgrounds, borders, and text effects can add visual sparkle and emphasis to your How to create a custom art border for a Microsoft Word document. Applies To: Word 2013. How to Add a Border to Word. Word provides a variety of built-in page borders, from businesslike to fancy. You can put a border around just one page if that page is at the beginning of a document or a section. Once imported into a document these Learn to insert, customize. There are Do you want to add some pizazz to a page or document? This article walks you through, step-by-step, adding an art or line graphic around your Word Document. You can choose which page to put a border around and you can also design what sort of border you'd like. This Microsoft Word tutorial shows how to create a custom page boarder using How to add comments to You can add full or partial borders to any portion of any page of a document.
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